Levere Memorial Temple Dedication Program, December 28, 1930

From collection General Manuscript Collection

Levere Memorial Temple Dedication Program, December 28, 1930

Program for the dedication ceremonies for the Levere Memorial Temple. In addition to a list of the ceremonies events, the program includes a list of SAEs who died in WWI and honors, without naming, SAEs killed in action during the Civil War and the Spanish-American War.


Anderson, Winston N. 
Armstrong, Samuel Edwin 
Bacon Jr., Henry E. 
Badger, Donald Minor 
Bair Jr., Edward Hart 
Balfour, Alexander 
Barkwell, Everett Wilson 
Barnett, Leland Meyer 
Bauer, Elmer Ferdinanad 
Beach, George A. 
Beaver, C. Walt 
Becker, Roscoe Harry 
Bell, Albert D. 
Bell, George Edward 
Benedict, Carl 
Betterton, Cherrill R. 
Bird, Lee Wilson 
Bittain, Thomas Waldo 
Bohannan, Shriley D. 
Brackett, William H.L. 
Bradley Jr., Wayles B. 
Branch, Ralph A. 
Broderick, Carlton Thayer 
Buell Jr., Charles J. 
Buhrman, Robert L. 
Bunn, William Carden 
Bunting Jr., Chambers L. 
Bushnell, Theodore K. 
Caldwell, A. Brown 
Carling, Philip E. 
Carmody, Arthur Bernard 
Carson Jr., Nathan Bryan 
Caswell, Clyde C. 
Clark, Frederick Ridley 
Clark, Leroy Gleason 
Clother, Wells McDermott 
Collis, Raemond Charles 
Colter, Earl Gibson 
Corriveau, Paul E. 
Coulter, Harry H. 
Cowdrey, Louis R. 
Croal, Charles Clinton 
Davis, Edward Hardin 
Davis, Harold 
Davis, Murray 
Dew, Roderick 
Doan, Norman E. 
Douglass, Eugene H. 
Douthitt, Raymond E. 
Dowd, Arthur K. 
Dugan, John Cotter 
Edsall, Thomas H. 
Everson, William G. 
Faulk, Leonidas Barkdull 
Felker, Guy R. 
Finley, Neal B. 
Flocken, Frederick W. 
Geary, William Allison 
Goldsmith, Carl Pinson 
Goldthwaite, Robert 
Gorham, George C. 
Goring Jr., John Morris 
Green, Howard R. 
Grisard, John Keehln 
Hayward, Harry W. 
Hazen, Conrad P. 
Hill, Armstrong 
Hill, Harold Vater 
Hines, Carter E. 
Hoisington, Earl Malcolm 
Homer Jr., Joseph Warren 
Hubbard, Charles Pitcher 
James, Efton M. 
Jewell, John William 
Johnson, James Abel 
Johnson, Orville P. 
Jones, James Preston 
Roe, William P. 
Squire, Walter E.